Friday, May 20, 2016

Ultra-widescreen iPhone could be the best, craziest concept ever

Oh, you were happy with a 5.5-inch iPhone were you? Cute. 
Unless your name is Timothy Donald Cook, or you could get away with calling him T.C. to his face, chances are you don’t know exactly what Apple’s got planned for its next-gen iPhone 7.
Apple probably doesn’t have the idea of a “widescreen” iPhone 7 — complete with magically expanding display — in mind, but as wacky concept videos go, a new video from designers Sonitac is not only beautifully put together, but genuinely something I’ve not seen before.Check it out below.
Would it work? Well, Apple has certainly explored wraparound iPhone designs in previous patents, and flexible displays have made enormous leaps forward as of late.
The thought of merging the iPhone and iPad is unlikely to be something Apple would consider, though, and the practicalities of building something like this are another matter entirely, but it’s definitely original.
The question is whether or not you’d buy it? Leave your comments below.
Source: iPhonehacks


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