Friday, May 20, 2016

‘Leaked’ iPhone 7 confirms what we all feared

iPhone 6 Plus_5
The iPhone 7 is on its way. But a major redesign apparently isn't. 
Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac
The iPhone 7 is still four months away from debuting, but a new picture “leaked” online appears to give us another early glimpse of the next-gen handset — suggesting once again that this might not be a significant redesign from the current iPhone 6s.
Check it out below.
Apple's next iPhone?
Apple’s next iPhone?
Photo: Weibo
Circulating on Chinese microblogging site Weibo, the image apparently shows the back panel of a gold 4.7-inch iPhone 7.
While it overall looks very similar to the current generation iPhone 6s, however, there are a few notable differences: antenna lines which are moved from their current prominent position to the top and bottom of the handset, and a new module between the iSight camera and LED flash that could hint at a possible laser auto-focus system.
It should be pointed out that this image doesn’t look particularly legit — and given how easy it is to fake such things on Photoshop I wouldn’t necessarily put a whole lot of stock in it. The additional laser auto-focus system module (or whatever it might be) also doesn’t appear onother purported photos we’ve seen of the iPhone 7.
Still, it does back up some of the other rumors we’ve heard about Apple’s next-gen iPhone, so as a worst case scenario, it’s not a bad mockup of how Apple’s next iPhone may look.
Since Apple is apparently saving its best innovations for the 2017-era iPhone 7s, I’m not particularly enthused by what I’ve seen or heard about the iPhone 7 — although it appears that it may get a few more tweaks than we had initially figured.
Are you currently planning to get an iPhone 7? What would it take to make you shell out the money? Leave your comments below.


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