Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is a Spring Still Springy After It Gets Crushed by a Hydraulic Press?

It's time to check in with the best thing on YouTube, the Hydraulic Press Channel. Over the weekend the proprietors staged a fascinating test, subjecting a spring from a car's suspension to the death crush of the press. Could it spring back to shape after taking such a beating?

Pretty cool, right? Even after the press compacts the spring down into a flat ring and pushes so hard that sparks fly and the place stinks of burnt rubber, the spring still hops back up once the pressure is off and tries to assume its former shape.
Watch through the end, when HPC tries the same test on a less formidable spring: the Slinky.
Source:Hydraulic Press Channel

A Gear-Whip Is Perfect for Steampunk Indiana Jones

Whether they're circles, or a stranger shape, gears can do all sorts of weird things from turning pumps to doing calculus. Puzzlemaster Oskar van Deventer—who posts his geared contraptions to YouTube on the channel OskarPuzzle—knows this well and has revealed a new, geared contraption that's as amusing as it is useless.

By attaching a series of gears together in a line, Oskar's been able to build what is essential a whip, but made of gears instead of braided leather. It's the perfect tool/weapon for some alternate universe Indiana Jones who lives in a strange, industrial steampunk world.
What's it good for? Nothing really. Its only real use is to keep your hands busy. But like so many of Oskar's inventions, a purpose is beside the point. It's just about pushing gears to the very limit of what they can do.


Friday, May 20, 2016

No data, no problem: Use Google Maps offline

Get your Google Maps to work everywhere. Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac (original image: Jordan McQueen/Unsplash CC)
Get your Google Maps to work everywhere. Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac (original image: Jordan McQueen/Unsplash CC)
When you’re out in the sticks somewhere, you might get to a place where there’s no signal. How will you ever find your way home (or to the next party) without your trusty Google Maps app?
Well, with a little foresight, you can make sure Google Maps continues to be useful, even when you’re not in cellular data range.
Here’s how to use Google Maps offline to make sure you never get lost again when your smartphone goes offline.
Note: This tip will work with Android and iOS versions of Google Maps.
First up, you’ll want to open Google Maps when you have a good data connection or Wi-Fi, before you head off into the boonies.
In the search field, where you usually dictate or type in your destination address, simply type “ok Maps” to start the process.
Get your Google Maps to download the area for offline use. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android
Get your Google Maps to download the area for offline use. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android
You’ll get a screen that asks if you want to download the area. Tap on the Download button, then give your area a name. Google Maps will give you a helpful hint if you don’t know what to name it.
Name the offline area and watch it download. Photo: Rob LeFebvre/Cult of Mac
Name the offline area and watch it download. Photo: Rob LeFebvre/Cult of Mac
Once you hit OK to confirm the name, your iPhone or Android phone will download the area you’ve named. Google Maps will show the download progress with a percentage. Once it’s done, you’re good to go; head off into the wilderness with your saved digital map. You can zoom in and out, ask for directions, and anything else you’d do with the online version of Google Maps.
Now you’ve got a way to make sure you’re always able to get to where you want to go with Google Maps, even if you end up somewhere far away without any data service.
Via: LifeHack

Ultra-widescreen iPhone could be the best, craziest concept ever

Oh, you were happy with a 5.5-inch iPhone were you? Cute. 
Unless your name is Timothy Donald Cook, or you could get away with calling him T.C. to his face, chances are you don’t know exactly what Apple’s got planned for its next-gen iPhone 7.
Apple probably doesn’t have the idea of a “widescreen” iPhone 7 — complete with magically expanding display — in mind, but as wacky concept videos go, a new video from designers Sonitac is not only beautifully put together, but genuinely something I’ve not seen before.Check it out below.
Would it work? Well, Apple has certainly explored wraparound iPhone designs in previous patents, and flexible displays have made enormous leaps forward as of late.
The thought of merging the iPhone and iPad is unlikely to be something Apple would consider, though, and the practicalities of building something like this are another matter entirely, but it’s definitely original.
The question is whether or not you’d buy it? Leave your comments below.
Source: iPhonehacks

‘Leaked’ iPhone 7 confirms what we all feared

iPhone 6 Plus_5
The iPhone 7 is on its way. But a major redesign apparently isn't. 
Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac
The iPhone 7 is still four months away from debuting, but a new picture “leaked” online appears to give us another early glimpse of the next-gen handset — suggesting once again that this might not be a significant redesign from the current iPhone 6s.
Check it out below.
Apple's next iPhone?
Apple’s next iPhone?
Photo: Weibo
Circulating on Chinese microblogging site Weibo, the image apparently shows the back panel of a gold 4.7-inch iPhone 7.
While it overall looks very similar to the current generation iPhone 6s, however, there are a few notable differences: antenna lines which are moved from their current prominent position to the top and bottom of the handset, and a new module between the iSight camera and LED flash that could hint at a possible laser auto-focus system.
It should be pointed out that this image doesn’t look particularly legit — and given how easy it is to fake such things on Photoshop I wouldn’t necessarily put a whole lot of stock in it. The additional laser auto-focus system module (or whatever it might be) also doesn’t appear onother purported photos we’ve seen of the iPhone 7.
Still, it does back up some of the other rumors we’ve heard about Apple’s next-gen iPhone, so as a worst case scenario, it’s not a bad mockup of how Apple’s next iPhone may look.
Since Apple is apparently saving its best innovations for the 2017-era iPhone 7s, I’m not particularly enthused by what I’ve seen or heard about the iPhone 7 — although it appears that it may get a few more tweaks than we had initially figured.
Are you currently planning to get an iPhone 7? What would it take to make you shell out the money? Leave your comments below.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

11 facts about technology that might surprise you (11 Photos)

Samsung Unpacked 2017: All You Need To Know

Samsung’s Unpacked event for 2017 was filled with a lot of excitement and anticipation. The tech giant gave us many treats today and not all of them start with the word ‘Galaxy’.
After the spectacular unveiling of this year’s flagship smartphones, the tech giant moved on to something different. Partners, products and services, the Korean firm said were the three pillars it stands on today just after it was done showing off the extremely powerful S7 devices. We had a session where the company went on and on about its partners.
Samsung then announced that Samsung Connect Auto will now bring cloud analytics and data to your car as well as connectivity. This means that you’ll get wireless connectivity wherever you go via LTE. It also provides data to everyone on board via a WiFi Hotspot. It also promotes better and safer driving habits and adds features like keeping tabs on maintenance, helping you find your parked car and alerting your contacts if you’re ever involved in an accident.
The next big announcement was a new 360 camera. It looks like a small ball and can use it to capture the new type of VR. The videos can be played on your smartphone or even use the Gear VR. The device itself is made of two F2.0 lenses. It can wirelessly connect to your S7 or S7 Edge and you can stream live from either device.
Next up, we had Mark Zuckerberg on stage. Wait! What?
That’s right folks, we had Mr. Facebook at Samsung’s launch event. The first thing of note is that as soon as Zuck stepped on-stage, the media went crazy. The co-founder of the world’s largest social networking site was at Samsung’s event today because he had good news for us regarding Virtual Reality.
As established earlier, Mark Zuckerberg believes a lot in VR. So much in fact, that his company acquired Oculus, a firm specialized in VR. Zuck praised Samsung for its Gear VR saying is by far the best mobile VR experience. And that’s because it combines the best hardware from Samsung and the best VR software from Facebook. For those of you who do not know, the Gear VR was partly made by Oculus.
Zuck then went on about how Facebook and Samsung have been working hard to make VR tech better and more mainstream. He then announced what the big dudes like to call dynamic streaming for VR videos. This, Zuck said, the company to deliver a video with a much higher resolution while simultaneously reducing the network bandwidth. He also added that this, along with many other exciting features in the area of VR, will start rolling out in the next few weeks. He later finished by saying “the best is still to come.”
All in all, the Samsung event today came with lots of amazing news.