Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is a Spring Still Springy After It Gets Crushed by a Hydraulic Press?

It's time to check in with the best thing on YouTube, the Hydraulic Press Channel. Over the weekend the proprietors staged a fascinating test, subjecting a spring from a car's suspension to the death crush of the press. Could it spring back to shape after taking such a beating?

Pretty cool, right? Even after the press compacts the spring down into a flat ring and pushes so hard that sparks fly and the place stinks of burnt rubber, the spring still hops back up once the pressure is off and tries to assume its former shape.
Watch through the end, when HPC tries the same test on a less formidable spring: the Slinky.
Source:Hydraulic Press Channel

A Gear-Whip Is Perfect for Steampunk Indiana Jones

Whether they're circles, or a stranger shape, gears can do all sorts of weird things from turning pumps to doing calculus. Puzzlemaster Oskar van Deventer—who posts his geared contraptions to YouTube on the channel OskarPuzzle—knows this well and has revealed a new, geared contraption that's as amusing as it is useless.

By attaching a series of gears together in a line, Oskar's been able to build what is essential a whip, but made of gears instead of braided leather. It's the perfect tool/weapon for some alternate universe Indiana Jones who lives in a strange, industrial steampunk world.
What's it good for? Nothing really. Its only real use is to keep your hands busy. But like so many of Oskar's inventions, a purpose is beside the point. It's just about pushing gears to the very limit of what they can do.
